Laurelin Paige: Kayti's Kitchen: No Pants Required

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Kayti's Kitchen: No Pants Required

Welcome back to Kayti's Kitchen!
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This week: No Pants Required by Kim Karr

No Pants Kale Salad

By Kayti McGee

Dude, the rumors about California are totally true- everyone is beautiful, the weather is even better, and health food is goddamn everywhere. Including in your fridge, because your roommate is obsessed. She’s also a terrible cook, so keeping a recipe like this in your back pocket may be the only way to stomach yet another round of kale on your way to yet another round of the D next door. Hey, every ingredient is good for you! It just has the added bonus of tasting delicious, too.

1 bunch curly kale (chopped into tiny curly bits)
1 TB apple cider vinegar
½ cup cooked grain: farro, barley, or brown rice
1 avocado, diced
⅓ cup chopped pecans
1 ½ cups cubed watermelon
4 oz crumbled feta
2 TB chopped basil

There really aren’t many instructions with this one, which is good, because it gives you more time to do stuff like work on jewelry, or cross items off the sexy-list your roommate made for you.

Merely massage the oil and vinegar into the kale the way you’d like Camden to rub sunscreen into you, then sprinkle a little salt and pepper on. Mix the other ingredients in and adjust seasoning to taste. Proceed to rock your bikini and Cam’s world.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Interesting recipe. I always forward to seeing what you come up with each week.

  2. Interesting recipe. I always forward to seeing what you come up with each week.

  3. this sounds absolutley delicious, great for leftovers probably! thanks for giving the different twists so I can try a different one each time! :) Pickup Lines Google Gravity Tricks I love you quotes Good Night Quotes

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